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1.14.14 ~ burning paintings & the journey, iv ~ playa slideshow

by | Jan 14, 2014 | artist residency, Oregon Outback, Playa, Summer Lake Oregon


A fireplace in the studio brings out the latent pyromaniac in many a de-cluttering artist….

Two weeks into the New Year and a huge chunk of me has lain dormant in the memory of my art residency at Playa. I’ve been distracted since returning home, hardly able to focus on any serious Art-making. Rather, my focus these five or six weeks has been on the mundane work of organizing stuff: filing paperwork and digital info, scrolling through spread sheets, tallying receipts, crunching numbers, tidying, cleaning, putting things away in my home, on my laptop and in my studio; distributing clutter to goodwill (happily), the landfill (reluctantly) and even my fireplace (demonically joyfully), where not a few paintings have been laid to burn. All of this with the goal of clearing clutter and creating space, physically and mentally. When my physical and mental space are decluttered, I seem to achieve a sort of spiritual and creative de-cluttering as well. The fact of that outcome makes the long days of not lifting a paintbrush just….…………………….barely.………………………….tolerable.

By far the most pleasant project I’ve undertaken these first days of the new year has been to sift through my 2000+ (!!) photos I took at Playa. I wanted to select a few of the best to share with my fellow residents, and with Playa, too. Finally I culled the photos down to about 130, and decided — for fun — to create a slideshow of them. I share it here with apologies for some redundancies as well as the length — it’s about 10 minutes, of mostly scenes of the land and the views from my cabin and walks. But it’s 10 minutes that make my heart and muse and spirit soar. 
Not a bad way to start the new year. 

INDEED. Happy New Year, friends! Thank you for your interest in and support of my heart’s work; I count you — my readers, followers, patrons, fans — ALL OF YOU — among my blessings. 
May the new year hold for each of us insightful journeys.

Click here for Dawn’s Playa Slideshow