Thank you for joining me for my Tuesday Dawnings and granting me the privilege of sharing my creative world with you.
As promised, below is the button to download my welcome gift. Click the green button to get your copy of TaosDawn’s Daily Practices for Cultivating Calm, Clarity, Curiosity & Creativity. May you find this little guide enjoyable!
I’m looking forward to sharing with you the loveliness and wonderment I delight in finding in the world around me.
And as a Tuesday Dawnings subscriber, you’ll be among the very first to glimpse my latest artworks, get the head’s up about special offers & auctions, and receive unique discounts.
So keep an eye to your email InBox each Tuesday for some nourishment for the eyes mind and spirit
Oh! And be sure to add tuesdaydawnings@taosdawn.com to your address book, to ensure the Tuesday Dawnings issue arrive in your preferred InBox! (Especially important if you have Gmail).
thank you again for joining me ~
see you next tuesday!

Dawn Chandler is an artist and avid outdoorswoman who celebrates life and her love of nature via her writing, photography and most especially through her traditional & abstract landscape paintings. She feels blessed every day to live in New Mexico, the Land of Enchantment. Learn more about Dawn & her story on her website at taosdawn.com.