"How long did that take you?" is a question I'm asked often about my paintings, though rarely by other painters. That's because they understand that the creation of a painting involves far more than simply applying paint to canvas. And maybe that's the key point I've...
musings from the studio and beyond ~
dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .
commission paintings
the very large triptych, part 8 ~ delivery & installation
All along as I painted the Very Large Triptych I had three concerns:1) Was the Very Large Triptych really going to fit on the wall where it was intended? TAC and I had triple-measured the wall, and throughout the creation I had checked my notes multiples times. Yet on...
the very large triptych, part 7 ~ the big reveal
Let's step back for a moment. Recall the study paintings; I never revealed which one RAS chose. In the photo below, the studies are numbered and were painted in chronological order:1 - late April sunset over the Jemez2 - mid May sunset over the Jemez3 - late June...
the very large triptych, part 6 ~ new studio & first strokes
The most dreaded phase of this whole Very Large Triptych project involved zero skill or creativity. It required planning, patience, hefting and heaving. That dreaded phase? Swapping my living room with my studio. Why bother? I needed to be able to step away from the...
the very large triptych, part 5 ~ painting the studies
I need to go! I apologized to my hosts. The sky is going to be incredible — I HAVE to photograph it! That was Sunday, July 2nd, and I couldn't believe I was bowing out early from a fun party filled with old friends I'd not seen in a long time. But the sky was calling!...
the very large triptych, part 3 ~ discovering the landscape
On April first 2023 I began my immersion into the panoramic landscape. RAS would be back in Santa Fe later in the month, when we'd sign an agreement for the very large triptych commission. Although they graciously invited me to go out to their place whenever I wanted,...
the very large triptych, part 2 ~ the proposal
On March 1st, 2023 our schedules finally aligned so that we could all meet in person at RAS’ Las Campanas home. From the moment I met them, RAS' enthusiasm and appreciation for my art and me made me feel like a rock star. After chatting for a bit and admiring their...
the very large triptych, part 1 ~ the request
This week I bade farewell to three close companions — three roommates. We've been living in close quarters since last summer. My roommates have been exciting company but they have also taken up a great deal of space mentally and physically. Indeed, they forced me to...