This is a 'creepy' forest tale that happened to me late June 2019. And it might have repeated itself this year of 2020, had I not learned my lesson! (More about that soon....) My 'Tuesday Revelers' may recognize this tale, as I shared a version of it last year in...
musings from the studio and beyond ~
dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .
santa fe hiking
the colors of my world….
These were the colors of my world today at 4:30a.m.... and these these were the colors of my world today at 8:30a.m.... And somewhere in between the two, the colors of my world were these.... { ~~ blissful sigh ~~ } OHhhhhhhh, BLESSED DAY!! For...
my hard new year heart
Walk along the Santa Fe River, and most of the year you'll be walking in dust. Either that, or on pavement. I don't know if its ever been a continually flowing stream, but I do know that human intervention has changed it considerably from what it once was. When I...