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a small expression of big gratitude

by | Jan 14, 2015 | Uncategorized


Thank you.

Thank you — you, who make time to read my words and look at my pictures here and on FaceBook and Twitter, Etsy and Pinterest and all the various platforms where I put myself out there.

With so many demands on your time and attention in this information age, I’m really kind of floored to know that there are people out there who find my words and art interesting enough to spend a few moments with them whenever I post something new.

You’ve paid me the greatest of compliments by your interest and engagement.
Surely I’d make my art even without an audience or patron base, for the act of creating for me is elemental; it’s in my blood and it can’t be denied. Or if it is denied, I become pouty and irritable and unpleasant. The world is a much better place when Dawn gets to create!
But having people out there who make time for my art, who respond to my art, and who are touched by my art…. That’s a gift, and one I don’t take lightly and hope I may never take for granted.

So thank you to each one of you reading these words. Blessings to you this New Year.