nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished ~ Lao Tzu ~ I’d been feeling nervous about an upcoming backpacking trip. Though overall I’m in good shape (thank you Peloton), I hadn’t put in a whole lot of high-altitude hiking miles this season. My “hiking legs”...
musings from the studio and beyond ~
dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .
aspen trees
spring & the hardest color to paint
As a young art student I often heard that one color is especially hard to paint . Care to guess which one? For the untrained eye it can be intimidating to look out to a verdant landscape and figure out now how to differentiate and mix green. Maybe that’s why a comment...
if expletives are uttered in a forest and no one hears them, do they make a sound?
This is a 'creepy' forest tale that happened to me late June 2019. And it might have repeated itself this year of 2020, had I not learned my lesson! (More about that soon....) My 'Tuesday Revelers' may recognize this tale, as I shared a version of it last year in...
painting process: the aspen pillars of my cathedral
Yesterday a friend shared with me that she’s recently taken up painting, and that she’s “learning and loving it.” (how cool is THAT?!) She further revealed that she’d really like to shadow me at my easel — and that reminded me that over the past few months I've taken...
the colors of my world….
These were the colors of my world today at 4:30a.m.... and these these were the colors of my world today at 8:30a.m.... And somewhere in between the two, the colors of my world were these.... { ~~ blissful sigh ~~ } OHhhhhhhh, BLESSED DAY!! For...
returning to autumn in new mexico
I love Vermont and I miss it. Though not a physical resident, in the last couple of years I’ve become a resident of the soul of Vermont. I’ve so much more to reflect on and share about my long walk through the Green Mountain forests. But I am a physical and...