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musings from the studio and beyond ~

dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .

contemporary abstract landscape

the BOOM! and enchantments of boring painting

I've been thinking a lot lately about the idea of boring and being bored. One definition of boring I came across described it as "the state of feeling weary because one is unoccupied." [OED] That kind of weariness is something I've rarely experienced in my adulthood....

storm on the desert

Yesterday I went alone to see Oppenheimer. After leaving theaters some weeks ago, our theater brought it back along with some of the other Oscar nominees. I was grateful to see it finally, and on a big screen. As I watched it, I was struck — once again — by how much...

new mexico sky musings ~ a new release

There was a time a long time ago when I considered signing my name on my paintings with my initials, because a landscape painter named “Dawn” seemed a little too sweet, maybe even cliche´. I’m glad I got over that. According to my mother, it was my father who...

where art lives . . . .

  What art offers is space — a certain breathing room for the spirit. ~ John Updike     Who doesn’t love venturing into an artist’s studio? Even I — myself an artist — love visiting other creative’s studios.     I delight in seeing the...