The final installment of my August painting trip in New Hampshire... Of all the scenes in this small New Hampshire tract where I spent a few days in early August, none captivated me more than a little corner between my aunt's tool shed and her guest house. Here,...
musings from the studio and beyond ~
dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .
lake wentworth
of sunrise clouds and sunset boats….
I promised a few weeks ago to share with you the several little plein air paintings I did while traveling New Hampshire last month. I've fallen behind with that. The truth is I've had a hard time turning my thoughts back to New England when my heart is breaking in...
of painting tidal rivers and lakeside tool sheds
Walk for maybe ten minutes from my aunt's front door, across the academy yards, past the post office, past the Congregational Church (with a wave down the lane to the Unitarians), past the town hall and bandstand, and make a quick right turn into Me &...