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musings from the studio and beyond ~

dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .

learning art

how to paint yourself free

Have you wanted to travel to the unknown*? Have you wanted to expand your boundaries* Are you yearning for freedom*? Photo collage of passages of several Joan Fullerton paintings. Then I encourage you to sign up for artist Joan Fullerton's wonderful online painting...

figuring: words and value and color and play

One of the many things I love learning from other artists is what their daily studio practice entails. What rituals they embrace to get into the flow of creativity. Often when the subject of creative flow and ritual, comes up, writer Stephen King’s name is mentioned....

creative change: shaking things up

To say I was in a funk is too strong. I guess you could say I'd kind of painted myself into a corner. However you want to describe it, I was ripe for a creative shakeup. Much as I love my work and love my life, earlier this year I was in need of a creative change of...