I've always loved the turn of the new year. I know some who people eye it with dread or sadness with the reminder of the passage of time. Their sad focus is on aging, and regrets. But for me the turn of the new year is a time of excitement and cheerful anticipation....
musings from the studio and beyond ~
dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .
New Year
my hard new year heart
Walk along the Santa Fe River, and most of the year you'll be walking in dust. Either that, or on pavement. I don't know if its ever been a continually flowing stream, but I do know that human intervention has changed it considerably from what it once was. When I...
a small expression of big gratitude
Thank you. Thank you — you, who make time to read my words and look at my pictures here and on FaceBook and Twitter, Etsy and Pinterest and all the various...