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musings from the studio and beyond ~

dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .

watercolor landscapes

the very large triptych, part 4

I was worried about clouds: I needed clouds to pull off the Very Large Triptych. But clouds were no guarantee. Just the year before, the only clouds over New Mexico from April to June were smoke clouds. And the year before that, our traditional summer rains never...

spring & the hardest color to paint

As a young art student I often heard that one color is especially hard to paint . Care to guess which one? For the untrained eye it can be intimidating to look out to a verdant landscape and figure out now how to differentiate and mix green. Maybe that’s why a comment...

the importance of a daily creative practice

A few weeks ago, before most of us were aware that our world was going to shift on its axis, I began a new occasional series of "warm up" paintings. I intended these paintings for my eyes only, with no plan of sharing them. In the past few days I've changed my mind...