Just released: Signed and numbered limited edition prints A Philmont Morning is the Best Kind of Morning by Dawn Chandler. More that half of the proceeds of the sale of these prints are being donated to Philmont’s Fire Relief Fund.
Chances are you were glued to your computer those first days of June, desperate for more news of Philmont and the Ute Park Fire.
If you were able to sleep at all, likely you went to bed each night with nausea in your belly, and your head pounding with anxiety.
Come morning you raced to the computer to see if the fire had spread, and felt your heart scouring the inside of your throat as you read that once again the fire had doubled in size.
Friends and family who don’t know Philmont, who’ve never been there, but know YOU and know that this arid corner of New Mexico is sacred ground to you, saw on their news feeds that this “Boy Scout Camp in Northern New Mexico” was on fire. And they said to you, “I’m sorry about Philmont….” and it’s all you could do to choke down the sobs.
Your HOmEland — your SPIRITland, your SOULand was burning. All you could see was loss and destruction. You were in an utterly grievous state.
But then….
… then you started reading about the current staff, and the good people of Ute Park, of Cimarron, of the neighboring ranches.
You read of the firefighters.
You read of heroism.
You read of resiliency.
You read of unbelievably tough decisions.
You read of integrity.
You read of humor and of hope and of grace.
And out of the ashes — out of your sorrow — somehow rose a little green sprout of life — and hope.
The above description is excerpted from the story behind my newly released print, A Philmont Morning is the Best Kind of Morning.
And now they’re here: 200 limited edition prints!
No wait — CORRECTION. Make that 13

Trying to capture the colors of an early July early morning on Philmont’s Tooth of Time Ridge. Photo by Douglas Fasching, ace photographer & coffee wizard.
5 limited edition prints, because a staggering 65 prints — 65!! — sold in 72 hours over Labor Day weekend to 52 saavy early bird TaosDawn studio Insiders.
Prints are $95…. and….$50 from every print sale is going to Philmont’s Fire Relief Fund.
Which means in just three days we’ve raised an additional $3,250 to help repair, reseed, and renew Philmont’s backcountry.
We have the ability to raise $6,750 more with the sale of those 135 remaining prints. My goal is to get them all sold before October 1st, and raise a grand total of $10,000 for Philmont’s Fire Fund.
Get the full story and purchase your print here.
Or shop around and view this and all the rest of my art in my full online store on Etsy at www.etsy.com/shop/dawnchandlerstudio

Dawn Chandler’s original plein air oil painting, A Philmont Morning is the Best Kind of Morning, was auctioned off in July, raising more than $2,800 for Philmont’s Fire Recovery Fund.
Thank you!