nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished ~ Lao Tzu ~ I’d been feeling nervous about an upcoming backpacking trip. Though overall I’m in good shape (thank you Peloton), I hadn’t put in a whole lot of high-altitude hiking miles this season. My “hiking legs”...
musings from the studio and beyond ~
dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .
art musings
the grace of trivial projects
Snow has been falling for hours. And though there doesn't seem to be much accumulation — it's too warm — it's been beautiful to watch. Beyond quenching the earth and sogging the dirt roads, mostly the snow has served to bury my To Do List. There's so much I planned to...
being an art student again
"The answer is 'YES!' If you are asking me a question about your painting, the answer is 'YES'!" His point being that most of his students are looking for permission to paint the way they want to paint — the way they've always dreamed of painting — but were too...
of pith, sharp vicious teeth, and free art
My high school senior English professor used to wear a pith helmet. I don't remember the specific circumstances required for him to don the pith helmet, but they had something to do with intellectual pithiness. I also remember that it was rarely donned, but when it...