{ part 2 ~ why my new year began the last monday of january } So what do you do after standing in a Museum before the altar of a magnificent Monet and you are just bursting with desire to be outside, be in the land, be bathed in color, be one with paintbrush and...
musings from the studio and beyond ~
dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .
landscape painting
why my new year started the last monday of january
The first three weeks of the New Year I had been up to my eyeballs in office work — the soul-sucking mind-numbing numbers-crunching paper-cut-inducing head-banging end-of-year secretarial & administrative chores required of being a self-employed sole-proprietor...
when painting isn’t fun anymore…and getting over it
I work well under pressure. I like deadlines and due dates. At least that's what I've always thought. I remember a few years ago getting ready for a solo show of my abstract/textual landscapes and, just a couple of weeks before the show opening, I realized with...
a winter roadtrip with my muse, part two
Not all the art I made during my little solo sojourn were in my sketchbook. Another of my goals was to do some plein air painting — something I hadn't done since late December when, the day after my car accident and day of my 53rd birthday, my pup and I went for a...
creating 60 paintings in 30 days and other bad ideas
Back in September — because evidently planning to be away for a month on a 4000+-mile road-trip wasn't time consuming enough — I decided to set a challenge for myself of creating 60 paintings in 30 days. Lots of artists do this sort of thing from time to time,...