I stepped outside, crouched on the pavement and sat down on my dusty front door stoop. In my nine years living here, I don’t think I’d ever sat on the stoop. Maybe because the view from that angle is mostly pavement, concrete, stuccoed wall and taillights. This...
musings from the studio and beyond ~
dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .
life of an artist
autumn across america
Late afternoon fence line, Brush Creek Ranch, Wyoming. Photo by Dawn Chandler When I was a teenager there were two places at home where I liked to do my homework. If I really needed to concentrate — say when writing a paper — I would work at my little desk in my tiny...

the tide of awareness on the longest day of the year
As a child I always loved the summer solstice, because it meant the days were now getting longer. Think about that for a moment.If you are a human being with any awareness at all of our planet, and you were paying attention to that first statement, then you're...
why I’m leaving ~ tell me what else I should have done?
Tell me what else I should have done?Doesn't everything die at last, and too soon?Tell me what it is you plan to dowith your one wild and precious life? These words of Mary Oliver's have been swimming around in my mind and on my tongue of late. So much so that they've...
one tiny enormous comment
From the Goya Foods, Inc. Collection National Museum of American History, Archives Center I just returned from the grocery store, to buy a jar of tomato sauce and some rice. The grocery store was out of rice. And toilet paper. And countless other items. I've never...