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musings from the studio and beyond ~

dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .

oil painting

santa fe september

santa fe september

Summer has been protracted this year. ~ sigh ~ I’m ready for the days to cool and the colors to heat up into hues of fire. Maybe sharing this painting of an earlier Santa Fe September view will entice Mother Nature to pull out her autumn colors…. (Please?) I began...

the unusual transformation of a landscape

It's a few hours away from the first day of winter and I suppose I should be writing something solstice-y or festive-y or fa-la-la-la-la-lish But as much as I love this time of year, with the relentless sunshine we've been having this month where the skies look more...

of sunrise clouds and sunset boats….

I promised a few weeks ago to share with you the several little plein air paintings I did while traveling New Hampshire last month. I've fallen behind with that. The truth is I've had a hard time turning my thoughts back to New England when my heart is breaking in...

back to the high meadows of new mexico . . . .

We had been camped on the far edge of the high south meadow. The evening before we were lead up a west slope trail, where, just beyond the ridge in the blaze of sun sinking quickly before us, we stood at a fence line, and watched color radiate from a point just beyond...

painting among lovebirds, enemies & johnny depp

A week ago my pup and I hiked up to one of our favorite spots high in the forest above Santa Fe. Take one of the major thoroughfares, then turn off onto a well-used ‘unofficial’ trail; after a ways cross a meadow; make your way through the far evergreen grove and...

how a landscape painting evolves

It's always a little amazing to me how a landscape painting evolves. Even though I'm intimately aware of the stages, it still surprises me every time when, in the end, I have something I can actually recognize and identify. Between the first dabs of paint and my...