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musings from the studio and beyond ~

dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .

bosque del apache

unphotographable* ~ a bosque blessing

We arrived an hour before sunrise. 14°. Too cold to simply park and wait. Usually we don’t have so much time to spare. Usually we go park by the Observation Deck where always other cars are parked. There we stand by water’s edge, our hands thrust deep in our pockets,...

the grace of trivial projects

Snow has been falling for hours. And though there doesn't seem to be much accumulation — it's too warm — it's been beautiful to watch. Beyond quenching the earth and sogging the dirt roads, mostly the snow has served to bury my To Do List. There's so much I planned to...

finding grounding in the new year

  I never would have thought I'd find grounding in the sky; in flight. This new year loomed for me with a feeling of. . . . . . lack of focus? Imbalance? My birthday is lost in the week between Christmas and New Year’s—a weird time when I always feel kind of in...