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musings from the studio and beyond ~

dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .

philmont paintings

eagle nest gold

It's become a cherished late August ritual for me: Driving the Enchanted Circle through Northern New Mexico.I started the tradition two years ago…. it was the last drive my sweet pup and I did together before she died.As a tribute to her I made the journey again last...

back to the high meadows of new mexico . . . .

We had been camped on the far edge of the high south meadow. The evening before we were lead up a west slope trail, where, just beyond the ridge in the blaze of sun sinking quickly before us, we stood at a fence line, and watched color radiate from a point just beyond...

lovers leap: why i paint new mexico

  New Mexico. Colfax County. If you've been following my art for even a short amount of time, you know that the beauty of the land is my greatest inspiration. Look a little harder, and you realize that the land of New Mexico, in particular, resonates for me. Go...