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musings from the studio and beyond ~

dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .


eagle nest gold

It's become a cherished late August ritual for me: Driving the Enchanted Circle through Northern New Mexico.I started the tradition two years ago…. it was the last drive my sweet pup and I did together before she died.As a tribute to her I made the journey again last...

the moreno valley & me – part two

[This the second of a two-part series. Read the moreno valley & me, part one here.] When my friend Carol asked me to paint their view of Baldy from the Moreno Valley, it was not the seemingly obvious view from the meadow near the main cabin that I and others had...

the moreno valley & me, part one

The first time I entered and crossed the Moreno Valley was in July, 1982. I had just completed a Rayado Trek at Philmont. My brothers were both working as Rangers at Philmont that summer along with some other Scouting friends from back home. My parents and another...

let it be ~ sunrise east of the ranch

Sunrise Sunday morning, September 16 found me sitting in my car staring eastward from a shelf of land where the New Mexico mountains meet the eastern plains. I'd come up here to paint. I was feeling lackadaisical. Too, I was hoping for the arrival of my friend who had...

painting my way back to philmont….

  Over lunch, I had commented to my friend that I was shocked we hadn’t suffered any fires yet. The winter and spring had been worrisomely mild, and the winds had howled across April and May. And yet here it was one day from June and New Mexico had hardly...

back to the high meadows of new mexico . . . .

We had been camped on the far edge of the high south meadow. The evening before we were lead up a west slope trail, where, just beyond the ridge in the blaze of sun sinking quickly before us, we stood at a fence line, and watched color radiate from a point just beyond...

lovers leap: why i paint new mexico

  New Mexico. Colfax County. If you've been following my art for even a short amount of time, you know that the beauty of the land is my greatest inspiration. Look a little harder, and you realize that the land of New Mexico, in particular, resonates for me. Go...